First Generation Alumni Information

Overall First Generation Alumni Visualizations

A large portion of the First Generation Alumni are under 30 years old, with some exceptions as shown below.

Age Range Count
20 < 30 year olds 1588
30 < 40 year olds 88
40 < 50 year olds 4
50 < 60 year olds 2

Quartiles of Age Ranges, ie: 25% of First Generation Alumni are Under 24 years old.

25% 24
50% 25
75% 26
90% 28
99% 36

The median age of First Generation Alumni is 25 years old. Anyone over the age of 30 is considered an outlier.

Visualizing First Generation Alumni based on gender helps us to see that there are many more older men than women.

Visualizing First Generation Alumni based on their GPA per conferment year shows a slight upward trend since 2013.

By describing the amount of individuals who were first generation alumni per year we can see that there has been an upward trend of more people. The exception being 2018, but following a huge increase in 2019 the trend seemingly will persist.

Year Count
2013 5
2014 55
2015 300
2016 304
2017 336
2018 324
2019 358

The chart above can be broken down into this bar chart here for easy viewing.

The overall distribution of Ethnicity from these first generation alumni is shown below in a table.

Ethnicity Count
Amer Ind/AK Ntv 8
Asian 179
Black/Afr Amer 31
Hispanic/Latino 503
Nonresident alien 69
Ntv HI/Other PI 10
Two or more races 103
Unknown 53
White 726

This graph neatly visualizes the above table.

By breaking the ethnicities into age ranges we are able to see if there is a certain subset of ethnicity that may differ from the overall distribtion of age.

Degree Visualization and Analysis

The most popular degrees are listed below. These are degrees that have over 100 first generation alumni graduating from the program.

Most Popular Degrees Count
Business Administration 744
Communication Studies 246
Psychology 226
Strategic and Corporate Communication 194
Health Sciences 140
Political Science 140
Integrated Educational Studies 132
Accounting 124

Accounting Degrees are one of the most popular degrees that were being acquired. It seems to be one of the most stable degrees in terms of number of students and will most likely remain that way.

Business Administration degrees are the most popular degree for first generation alumni. This may be due to the fact that there are many emphases to choose from. Following the trend below this will remain one of the most popular degrees.

Communication Studies is another popular field of study, it peaked in 2016 and it is unsure if it will go back to 25+ concurrent graduating students.

Health Sciences has shot up in popularity and rivalled 2015 levels last year, but if it follows previous trends the popularity of said degree may be cyclical or tied to specific events.

Educational Studies had a large increase in 2019 following a seemingly stable level for the past 4 years. It is unlikely that it will rise higher than this year, but it could stabilize at a slightly higher level than previously.

Political Science majors have increased significantly since 2016. Following a continuation of this trend this degree may remain at a higher interest level in the future.

Psychology Degrees are trending up in 2019 after a couple years of decreasing numbers, but still not at back at it’s peak from 2015.

Strategic and Corporate Communication Degrees gained popularity over the last couple of years and has managed to stabilize at a high level of 20 concurrent graduating students for the last two years.

More Popular Degrees for First Generation Alumni are stated in the table below. They fall into the range of greater than 50 graduating individuals and less than 99.

More Popular Degrees Count
Public Relations/Advertising 90
Sociology 88
Biological Sciences 82
Kinesiology 82
Creative Producing 60
Film Production 56
Creative Writing 52
Economics 52
English 52
Mathematics 52

Biological Science Degrees have been decreasing over time, with a slight uptick in 2019.

Creative Producing degrees have been fluctuating greatly since we had our first alumni graduate with it in 2014.

Kinesiology Degrees peaked in 2017 and have since decreased almost to the lowest valley of 2015.

Public relations and advertising degrees spiked in 2015, but have since then been slowly climbing back towards the peak.

Sociology degrees have maintained a certain level of stability since their spike in popularity in 2015.

The less Popular Degrees for First Generation Alumni are stated in the table below. They fall into the range of greater than 10 graduating individuals and less than 49. There were no notable trends in these degrees below, so there are no necessary graphs.

Less Popular Degrees Count
Dance Performance 42
Computer Science 40
Performance 40
Film Studies 34
Peace Studies 34
Television and Broadcast Journalism 34
Graphic Design 32
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 30
History 30
Screenwriting 30
Philosophy 26
Athletic Training 22
Environmental Science & Policy 22
Television Writing and Production 22
Curriculum and Instruction 18
Law 18
News and Documentary 18
Theatre Performance 18
Art History 16
Leadership Development 16
Teaching 16
Theatre 16
Digital Arts 14
Art 12
Dance 12
Screen Acting 12
Chemistry 10
Computational and Data Sciences 10
Health and Strategic Communication 10
Music Education 10
Software Engineering 10

The least Popular Degrees for First Generation Alumni are stated in the table below. They fall into the range of less than 9 graduating individuals. This is a small group of degrees that have the lowest levels of popularity.

Least Popular Degrees Count
Computer Information Systems 8
Music 8
French 6
Health & Strategic Communication 6
Special Education 6
Doctor of Pharmacy 4
Marriage and Family Therapy 4
Production Design 4
Religious Studies 4
Spanish 4
Anthropology of Culture 2
Communication Sciences and Disorders 2
Composition 2
Economic Systems Design 2
Educational Psychology 2
Food Science 2
International Studies 2
Medical Anthropology 2
Physical Therapy 2
Physics 2
Public Health 2
War and Society 2

2013 Visualizations - 5 Individuals

2014 Visualizations - 55 Individuals

2015 Visualizations - 300 Individuals

2016 Visualizations - 304 Individuals

2017 Visualizations - 336 Individuals

2018 Visualizations - 324 Individuals

2019 Visualizations - 358 Individuals

Reade Hall and Research Team
